Otherkin Wiki

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Otherkin Wiki
Musickin flag (coined by JasperFuz on pinterest, 9-30-23 or 30-9-23)

The Musickin or Songkin flag

Musickin, or Songkin is a term for individuals who identify or connect in a way that have to do with songs, albums, etc.

Musickin people can identify as songs, music, song names, album covers, albums, tune, or other forms of music. Musickin is as valid as any other kintype and is in no way making fun of any alterhuman type. There's not much history revolving musickin since its such a rare identity to actually have.

musickin is a type of conceptkin, only that musickin relates to the concept of songs, music, tunes, etc. An example would be as such:

  • "Hey, i identify as :insert song/music/etc here: in a way that its a concept. No, i dont think im biologically that song, its like the style or concept of the song. The way i identify myself as :said song: is non physical, such as mentally or spiritually. Me personally, i identify as spiritually a song."

Other stuff[]

Musickin flag (less details)

Musickin flag (less details)

https://pin.it/50KElKG <-- Musickin Symbol PNG

(please add more stuff if anyone has researched more, and as long as you do not make fun of musickins.)


